Biyernes, Oktubre 9, 2015

Media Log Entry 3

Here's the trailer for the film " Ghandi "

In 1893, Gandhi is thrown off a South African train for being an Indian and traveling in a first class compartment. Gandhi realizes that the laws are biased against Indians and decides to start a non-violent protest campaign for the rights of all Indians in South Africa. After numerous arrests and the unwanted attention of the world, the government finally relents by recognizing rights for Indians, though not for the native blacks of South Africa. After this victory, Gandhi is invited back to India, where he is now considered something of a national hero. He is urged to take up the fight for India's independence from the British Empire. Gandhi agrees, and mounts a non-violent non-cooperation campaign of unprecedented scale, coordinating millions of Indians nationwide. There are some setbacks, such as violence against the protesters and Gandhi's occasional imprisonment. Nevertheless, the campaign generates great attention, and Britain faces intense public pressure. Too weak from World War II to continue enforcing its will in India, Britain finally grants India's independence. Indians celebrate this victory, but their troubles are far from over. Religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims erupt into nation-wide violence. Gandhi declares a hunger strike, saying he will not eat until the fighting stops. The fighting does stop eventually, but the country is divided. It is decided that the northwest area of India, and eastern part of India (current day Bangladesh), both places where Muslims are in the majority, will become a new country called Pakistan (West and East Pakistan respectively). It is hoped that by encouraging the Muslims to live in a separate country, violence will abate. Gandhi is opposed to the idea, and is even willing to allow Muhammad Ali Jinnah to become the first prime minister of India, but the Partition of India is carried out nevertheless. Gandhi spends his last days trying to bring about peace between both nations. He thereby angers many dissidents on both sides, one of whom finally gets close enough to assassinate him.

Critical Reflection
The movie mounts a powerful challenge to his/her audience by presenting Gandhi as the most profound and effective of revolutionaries, creating out of a fierce personal discipline a chain reaction that led to tremendous historical consequences. At a time of deep political unrest, economic dislocation and nuclear anxiety, seeing "Gandhi" is an experience that will change many minds and hearts. He tried to change and save the world. Social justice is the one he wants, he wants all nations to be fare with each other even though there is a discrimination sometimes. He tried to, and was succesful but was assasinated later because of the revolutionary that he made. He is a hero for all of his comrades.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 16, 2015

              " "
 Today's youth live in an environment saturated with media,television,computers,newspapers,magazines and internet.They enjoy increasing access to movies, music, games, websites, and advertising—often on pocket-size devices like smartphones. Media helps a lot especially in many youths. Accessing useful websites, reading newspapers and magazines. It also help us to know more on what is happening in our society today with the help of broadcasting stations to show it on television and radios but is the media always reliable to us youth? What does it do to affect the traits of us youths?

Critical Reflection
Media did help us, in means of studying and learning about the different happenings in our society but many youth abuse the use of media that leads to many unexpected situations. For example the more sexual content that kids see on television, the earlier they initiate sexual activity, the more likely they are to regret their early sexual experiences, and the more likely they are to have an unplanned teen pregnancy. We also have the aggressive effect cause by watching too much violent movies, Children are also exposed to alcohol and smoking commercials per year which leads them to alcohol use too. Media is very useful when it comes in handy to us but we (youths) should always remember to use it properly, also parent should always guide or teach their childrens on how to correctly use the media. 

Biyernes, Agosto 21, 2015

Here's the trailer for the movie " BRAVE "

It's a story about Merida, a Scottish princess whose interests include archery and horse riding, is told by her mother that her interests are not what a princess should be doing and that she has to marry. But Merida chooses to defy her mother. And when she and her mother have an argument Merida rides off and meets a witch. She asks for a spell to change her mother. And the witch gives her a cake which she gives to her mother but the change is not what she was hoping for. So she tries to find a way to fix it. After her mother is cursed by being a bear, Her mother learned new kind of things that a usual queen should not do, like fishing,hunting and surviving at your own risk in the forest. After the curse was broken again, both merida and her mother learn the value of equality and their relationship as mother and daughter.

Critical reflection
After watching the movie, I was happy to see both the relationship of merida ang her mother. They both agreed to be equal with each other by not just being a princess or a queen or be free on what they are doing for example Merida was into archery and horseback riding which a normal princess wont do, They realize that they can do everything with equality.